Where no portion is indicated, you can eat as much as you like.
Eat until you are satisfied, not stuffed.
Between meals you can snack on carrots and celery
One half grapefruit -if not available,use fruits* in season
One slice of protein bread**, toasted, no spread added
Coffee /tea (no sugar, cream or milk, no honey)
*** Can be subsituted with fish, seafood, chicken or turkey, or veg protein
Fish or shellfish, any kind
Combination salad, any greens and vegetables as you wish
One slice protein bread, toasted
Grapefruit - if not available, use fruits in season
Coffee/Tea/Diet Soda/Water
Fruit salad, any combination of fruits
[substitute lunch recommended - see bottom of page]
Coffee/Tea/Diet Soda/Water
Plenty of broiled, lean hamburger (see Meat & Poultry link for info)
Tomatoes, lettuce, celery, olives (limit 4), cucumbers
and/or Brussels Sprouts
Coffee/Tea/Diet Soda/Water
Tuna fish or salmon salad (oil drained off)
with lemon and vinegar dressing
Grapefruit, or melon, or fruit in season
Coffee/Tea/Diet Soda/Water
Sliced roast lamb***, all visible fat removed
Salad of lettuce,tomatoes,cucumbers,celery
Coffee/Tea/Diet Soda/Water
*** Can be subsituted with fish, seafood, chicken or turkey, or veg protein
Two eggs, any style (no fat used in cooking)
Low-fat cottage cheese
Zucchini, or string beans, or sliced/stewed tomatoes
One slice of protein bread, toasted
Coffee/Tea/Diet Soda/Water
Roast, broiled or barbequed chicken (skin and visible fat removed before eating)
Plenty of spinach, green peppers, string beans
Coffee/Tea/Diet Soda/Water
Assorted cheese slices (preferably lowfat)
Spinach, all you want
One slice of protein bread, toasted
Coffee/Tea/Diet Soda/Water
Fish or shellfish
Combination salad (any fresh vegetables desired, raw or cooked)
One slice of protein bread, toasted
Coffee/Tea/Diet Soda/Water
Fruit salad, any combination of fruits
[substitute lunch recommended]
Coffee/Tea/Diet Soda/Water
Roast turkey or chicken
Salad of tomatoes and lettuce
Grapefruit or fruit in season
Coffee/Tea/Diet Soda/Water
Cold or hot turkey or chicken
Tomatoes, carrots, cooked cabbage, broccoli or cauliflower
Grapefruit, or fruit in season
Coffee/Tea/Diet Soda/Water
Plenty of broiled (grilled) steak, all visible fat removed before eating; any cut of steak you wish- sirloin, porterhouse, London broil, etc.
Salad of lettuce, cucumbers, celery, tomatoes (sliced or cooked)
Brussels Sprouts
Coffee/Tea/Diet Soda/Water
*allowed fruit substitutes
READ the FRUITS link on the left for more detailed info. lowcarblisa.tripod.com/thescarsdalemedicaldiet/id32.html
**protein bread substitutes
READ the PROTEIN BREAD link on the left for more info & list.
***cold cuts
your choice - lean meats, chicken, turkey
READ the MEAT & POULTRY link on the left for more info & list.
Vegetables not permitted are corn, peas, potatoes, lentils and any beans, except green beans or waxed beans.
Where no portion is indicated, you can eat as much as you like.
Eat until you are satisfied, not stuffed.
Between meals you can snack on carrots, celery
Cooking with herbs, seasonings, spices, grated onion, minced parsley is recommended.
Salt, Non-stick vegetable spray, cocktail sauce, ketchup, chili sauce & mustard are all permitted, but should be used within MODERATION.
If you wish, you may substitute the following lunch for any lunch, any day, on the Scarsdale Medical Diet.
One half cup low-fat pot cheese or cottage cheese,
mixed with one tablespoon of low-fat sour cream
Sliced fruit, all you want
6 halves of walnuts or pecans, whole or chopped, and mixed with above or sprinkled over the fruit
Coffee/tea/no-sugar diet soda of any flavor
(Tip: puree the cottage cheese & sour cream to make a whipped topping, serve over mixed berries & top w/ chopped nuts for a "sundae")
Repeat all menus of the first week. It’s as simple as that. If after fourteen days, you still need to lose weight, switch to Keep-Trim Eating for two weeks, [before going back on the SMD.]
THE SCARSDALE MEDICAL 14-DAY DIET Where no portion is indicated, you can eat as much as you like. Eat until you are satisfied, not stuffed. Between meals you can snack on carrots and celery BREAKFAST EVERY DAY: One half grapefruit -if not available,use fruits* in season One slice of protein bread**, toasted, no spread added Coffee /tea (no sugar, cream or milk, no honey)...
Читать полностью
Semaine type du régime Scarsdale :> Chaque matin au petit déjeuner :- 1/2 pamplemousse ou un fruit de saison - 1 tranche de pain protéiné, grillée - Café ou thé, sans sucre, crème ou lait> Lundi Dîner - Viandes froides variées au choix (viandes maigres: poulet, dinde, langue, bœuf maigre, etc.) - Tomate tranchée, grillée ou à la casserole - Café, thé ou soda diététique Souper - Poisson ou fruits de mer - Salade combinée; vous pouvez mélanger autant de verdure et de légumes que le cœur vous en dit - Une tranche de pain protéiné grillée - Pamplemousse ou un fruit de saison - Café ou thé> MardiDîner - Salade de fruits combinés; vous pouvez mélanger tous les fruits que vous avez sous la main- Café ou théSouper - Bifteck haché, grillé (en abondance) - Tomate, laitue, céleri, olive, chou de Bruxelles ou concombre - Café ou thé> MercrediDîner - Salade de thon ou de saumon (Retirez-en l’huile), avec un assaisonnement au vinaigre ou au citron. - Pamplemousse, melon ou un fruit de saison - Café ou théSouper - Tranche de rôti d’agneau (après avoir enlevé toute trace visible de graisse) - Salade de laitue, tomate, céleri - Café ou thé> Jeudi Dîner - Deux oeufs cuits comme vous le désirez, mais sans aucune matière grasse- Fromage blanc frais en grains - Zucchinis ou haricots verts fins, ou tomates tranchées, en casserole Une tranche de pain protéiné grillée - Café ou thé Souper- Poulet grillé ou à la broche, à profusion (Avant de manger, enlever toutes trace de peau ou de gras) - Épinards à profusion, poivrons verts, haricots verts fin - Café ou thé> Vendredi Dîner - Tranches de fromage - Épinards à profusion - 1 tranche de pain protéiné, grillée - Café ou théSouper - Poisson ou fruits de mer - Salade combinée, à volonté, avec autant de légumes frais de votre choix (par exemple, légumes cuits, refroidis et taillés en dés) - 1 tranche de pain protéiné, grillée - Café ou thé> SamediDîner - Salade de fruits à volonté - Café ou théSouper - Dinde ou poulet rôti - Salade de laitue et de tomates - Pamplemousse ou fruit de saison> DimancheDîner - Dinde ou poulet, froid ou chaud - Tomates, carottes, choux cuisinés, brocolis ou chou-fleur - Pamplemousse ou fruit de saison - Café ou théSouper - Bifteck grillé, à profusion. Enlever toute trace de gras avant de manger - Salade de laitue, concombre, céleri, tomate (tranchée ou en casserole) - Choux de Bruxelles - Café ou thé> Dîner de substitution - On peut remplacer n’importe quel dîner de n’importe quel jour par le menu suivant : - 1/2 tasse de fromage blanc en grains (cottage cheese) - Des fruits coupés en tranches, à profusion - 6 moitiés de noix de Grenoble ou de pacane
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