Okay,my third day has gone amazing. Finally my boyfriend got back from his vacation so we can see each other. I love him. Of course he said I don’t need to get on diet,of course he said I am thin and skinny,but I am disagree.
I wanna love myself,so I have to loose some amount of weight.
And one more time telling you thank you for supporting and welcome me.
I really enjoy this website,I like that cozy and cheerful space which is in here.
I just feel so so so gorgeous when I see you give me so big amount of support which I really need right now.
Thank you so much girls!
Ny vot,my first day on this diet has gone really well. And I feel myself very good,I feel like I am full of fresh air and I got obsessed with this feeling. Honestly I was thinking about writing this post in russian,but I had some troubles doing that,so I am sorry,but I hope you guys wouldn’t have any difficulties understanding me.
I look forward to meet all the rules to achieve my targets.
Keep hold your hands together.
And I wish you guys can achieve everything you are dreaming about.
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Сегодня съела 200 калорий.
Вс и пн пью только чай, воду и кофе с молоком.
Со вторника на ABC+шоко.)
Результат сомнителен, но удовольствие гарантировано
2 дня назад